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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Good night!

My flight's at 9.45am and I have to be awake and ready by 7am. So I gotta go to sleep now.

Quick recap:
PS. I am going to miss KL like bigtime. Who ever thought I'd learn to love and appreciate Malaysia's humid and hot weather? Malaysians, you haven't felt hot until you experience the heat in Sydney during Summer!

& turned on the lights; 01:54

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year!
It is the year of the dog. Dear readers, here's wishing us all one woof of a year!

PS. I'm flying back to Sydney this coming Tuesday, the 31st of January.
PSS. Total amount of red packet money, so far - RM 150.
PSSS. Total amount of yee-sangs tossed/eaten - 2.

& turned on the lights; 23:32

While collecting the tennis balls after my overhand/service practice, I had a strong, jolting feeling on my leg, which stung me so hard, enough to make my hands move to the site immediately. The spot felt itchy. So I scratched the spot.

A thought came to me: if everything has a reason for being on Earth, then what is up with the mosquitoes? Right, they're insects, and they are completely useless! You know how everything on Earth is in a huge cycle. All living things. Like a food web. One eats another, that sort of thing. I wondered, mosquitoes don't contribute in any way to the cycle.

So, I questioned my tennis coach and myself, why are they here? Perhaps they were put here by, if there ever is, God, to make happiness and it's opposite balance. Perhaps, God just wanted to play one nasty joke on us.

The one theory I seem to believe in the most, is that God (if there was one) put the mosquitoes here because he didn't want our lives to be perfect. God simply put all the little annoyances in life to piss us off, hence, giving us a perfectly balanced life.

All in all, I hate mosquitoes.


I wrote down a quick wish-list for my birthday. It feels like only yesterday I turned 16-years-old. Two weeks from now, and I will be seventeen. One year from then, I will turn eighteen and I will be finishing my final year of school. I can never come around to realising how fast time flies.

#1- New Nin-DS games.
#2- Pair of Puma Roma shoes.
#3- ♥ ♥ Ewan McGregor, plzkthx!
#4- Portable guitar amplifier.
#5- Star Wars III: The Revenge Of The Sith DVD
#6- A Wilson nCode racquet (which one, I just can't remember >.<) And that's about it, so far. I can't seem to think of anything more that I could want. Well, that's a lie. Of course I want many more things, but I know I won't get them, so it's always nice to wish for the smaller things. The simple things.

Oh yes. A pair of
Puma Roma shoes are so totally simple. Hohoho :D


The Chinese New Year is finally here! I finally get to spend CNY here, at home - not forgetting the (what I hope to find) horde of red packets (or, as they are known in Chinese, ang pow) I will receive. The radios have been filling us with more than enough CNY music - this type of music takes audible form of women screeching at the top of their lungs, chinese lyrics of happiness and prosperity. It's not very pleasant to the ear. Really.

I also hope to watch a lion dance take place in someone's home. I haven't seen one since 2004 and I'm dying to see one. I'm dying to listen to the loud clang and bang of the men's
HUGE cymbals and the deep bass sounds of their LARGE drums. It's amazing, you know. Men dressed up in dragon or lion costumes and dancing. And the music. It's like a real orchestra (with the timpani, cymbals and the rest of percussion) on legs, and these men walk up and down stairs, through homes or offices, following the lions as they bring prosperity and fortune to the place.

It's all part of the Chinese New Year spirit, and I am hungry for it.

PS. Chinese New Year, if you did not know, is on the 29th of January, this year. Last year it was on the
9th of Feb, which is the day of my birthday!

& turned on the lights; 00:19

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I was tagged, and I didn't know what to do. So I asked Jude (because, you know, she was the the one who tagged me!) and well, here goes:

Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used.
#1- Discovering photographs from my childhood and remembering all those moments.
#2- Waking up early in the morning and not feeling tired or sleepy at all.
#3- Watching clouds swim by in the sky's sea of blue. Preferrably on my back, and in a quiet environment.
#4- Curling up in the warmth and security of my doona on a cold night, with Sam strangled in my arms.
#5- Comforting someone when they're down, like making them laugh or smile.
I'm tagging; Nurie, Dav, Sarah, Shaz, Jials.

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Need to mention the sex of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, theres no need to post again.
Sex: Male
#1- Has the ability to let me know he loves and cares for me, without me denying belief.
#2- Listens to everything I say, and even if he doesn't understand it, will try to anyway.
#3- Will always be there for me, near or far.
#4- Outgoing personality. One that will take me up to greater heights in life and in everything I do.
#5- Makes me feel better about myself, and happy when I'm seriously emotionally injured.
#6- Truly accepts and appreciates me for who I am, pissy or not.
#7- Mad about me, to the point where he would go great lengths for me - but not lengths where suicide and pain turns into an option, because that is not romantic, yo.
#8- Never gives up on me, and always stands up for me no matter what. Keyword: no matter what.
I'm tagging; Nurieeee, Dav, Sarahh, Shaz.

I'm tired. Good night.

PS. I got a new pair of tennis shoes. YES.

& turned on the lights; 23:53

As I was sitting on the dentists' reclining chair, I wondered, what makes them want to be dentists? There is always a reason to why someone wants to be something in life. Unless they've been forced to do it by their parents, but otherwise, what makes a person want to be something like a dentist?

The dentist switched on an over-head light, which shined brightly in my eyes. It felt like an operation room, only, the walls have stickers of happy Disney characters and the ceiling has happy faces of the sun, moon and a cloud with an alien sitting atop it. The dentist put his head over mine, and began calling out numbers, while he picked at my teeth. He was very gentle, and I had no reason to be panicking, so I kept quiet and shut my eyes. I wondered, as I was being checked there, how many teeth does a human being have? This is probably a very stupid question to ask, seeing that, maybe, I'm 17 in a few weeks time and I don't know how many friggin' teeth I have. I simply don't know. I guessed 36. It could be too much.

Apparently, I grind my teeth in my sleep. The dentist said I've been doing it for a long time, which has made my teeth look funny at the sides. He also said I might need to wear a Night Guard. I thought it was similar to a retainer, but I don't know in truth. There are ways to come around the problem instead of using the Night Guard, like listening to calm music before you hit the sheets. I've been very tense when I go to sleep, he said. Tense? When I hit sleepyland? How can that be right? I love sleeping. It's the way I regenerate for the next day! How can I find it tense to go to sleep?

Maybe it's a psychological thing. It's strange, how our bodies work, don't you think?


& turned on the lights; 11:45

Monday, January 23, 2006

Click to enlargen, you bodoh. ;)

I was thinking about my old days back at the Australian International in Malaysia. I really miss those days. I wish that I could live those great 3 years again. Nothing is the same anymore, unfortunately. The school has changed so much, it's as if the fun-factor that we all knew once had been erased from the picture. The people are all gone either because they've been told off by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, or their parents have just realised that the school is full of nonsense and that the kids won't learn anything at school.

When I look at the school today, the school that I once enjoyed every bitter day, the school with so many people that you could know everyone's name, that very school, today, it's nothing but empty. Only memories lie throughout the busy corridors and the classes that smell like new rubber.

I'm feeling a little deep now. Be a kind heart and listen, will you?

I have been feeling seriously bored. Do you know what that feels like? Seriously bored? Not the bored that you say in any given conversation. Not that typical answer, bored. As a matter of fact, I don't know how it really feels to be seriously bored. Maybe if we were put into a box. A box with 6 sides, all white or all black or all of any colour of your choice. It's plain. There's nothing there. You're on your own. Maybe seriously bored is how you describe yourself when you have absolutely nothing to do, but think through everything that has happened or is happening in your life, and try to run through them, solving them along the way to happiness. Or maybe this doesn't make any sense.

Well, if that's what being seriously bored is, then I am going to give myself that very description.

I've been thinking alot about people, school, pimples and most importantly, the future. I've been thinking about these things alot these days. When you've got nothing to do, you think. You think alot. And that is what's been running through my head for the past week.

When asked, are you looking forward to going back to school? I say, no way! But to tell you the truth, I am. I am very much looking forward to going back to school. I can't wait to be given homework. I can't wait to stress over assessment tasks due tomorrow. I can't wait to get in trouble. To me, school gives me purpose. I sound weird saying that, but it does. When you're at this age, school is your purpose. When I go to Uni, that will be my purpose. When I get a job, that will be my purpose. When and most importantly, if I get married, that will be my purpose. I want to move on with everything. Get everything done and out with. I'm impatient. I want to get out there and experience life to the fullest.

Though, I tell myself, be patient and wait because everything will hit me fast. Everything will hit all of us quicker than you know it. Time flies when you're having fun, or the way I see it, when you don't notice it. That's what I tell myself. Don't think about when you get there. Think about how you get there.

I remind myself, the journey is the most important thing. Not when you arrive.

PS. Don't take this entry as a sign of suicide, like some people do. It's just food for thought.
Long Way Round
is so inspirational. I might watch the whole series again.

& turned on the lights; 23:24

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I think I've been too bored lately. I've been given so much time to waste on wondering what life would be like if I died from a disease. Ever since I learnt that my dad's mother had breast cancer and died from it, I wondered what would happen if I was diagnosed with it too. How would I tell my friends? And if I died from it, I imagine my mum or sister calling everyone close to me on my phone number list and tell them the bad news.

What's going to happen to my stuff? Are they going to give it all away to the church? I keep telling myself to write a rough will, which I can always add to, but I never get to it. It is my business to know where my stuff goes to, and it is my business to know where I'm going to be buried (I'd prefer to get my ashes scattered).

When they hold my funeral, what music are they going to play? What clothes am I going to wear? Who will be invited? What kind of coffin would I be put in - one with soft bedding or one with soft bedding and a pillow for my head?

All this seems somewhat, pointless - when you're alive and breathing. Then again, you never know, hey?

PS. Maybe I should stop with the
cheers at the end. I feel as if I've grown out of signing off. It's just been a tradition of mine during the years that I've been blogging.

& turned on the lights; 01:44

Friday, January 20, 2006

"You don't love somebody because they're perfect. You love them inspite of the fact that they're not." - Quoted from Julia Romano in My Sister's Keeper.

I liked that quote so much that I had to write it down somewhere to remember.

& turned on the lights; 17:34

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I didn't officially announce my return from Singapore before my last recently posted entry, so here it is to make up for that loss.

I can't remember what we did on the fourth day during my stay in Singapore. I can't remember exactly what, but I remember taking a very brief tour around Sentosa Island and then, going to The Night Safari at night with Clement. It was good fun anyway, besides the brief tour around Sentosa. By then, Singapore's weather had cleared up and it was in such a great mood. The skies were blue and there were no black/grey clouds in the sky.

On the last day, we had lunch with Sam at Marche, which was great. When I got back to KL and saw a sign saying Marche was having a promotion, I got excited. Anyway, we did a little last minute shopping and then, headed back to get my bags. The goodbye at the airport was quite lengthy. Jude hugged me, or, hung on to me for a good 2-3 minutes. By then, I knew I'd get to the departing gate just in time. I said my goodbyes, and got onto the plane.

Singapore Airlines is great stuff.

Eversince I've been back, I've been sitting around infront of Catch downloading, chatting and listening to music. I'm such a compybum. I learnt, during my last few days here in KL, that I am a very big hypocrite. It's true. I'm not going to say why, but I realised that I am one.

Nothing very much has happened over the last few days either. If it counts, yesterday I went to LowYat Plaza (which is, as I've mentioned before, this huge shopping complex for anything electronic!) to shop with my cousin, Ji-Shen and mum. We took a cab to town instead of waiting for our grandmum's driver. Surprisingly, Malaysian cabs were cheaper than I had thought! I thought the Singaporean cab fares were lower, but no. It only costed us 10 ringgit (5 SG dollars) for a 15 minute ride into town. I thought that was cheap.

LowYat was, as usual, mind-blowing. I bought myself a game, some programs, some DVDs and a dodgy looking game-pad for Catch. Hopefully, I won't have to go all the way back just to return it!

Oh, I must mention this too: In Singapore, I found the DVD set I'd been looking for ages - Long Way Round: Complete TV Series - Special Edition. I was so excited when I saw it on the shelves of Heeren's HMV store. Finally. At last. The DVD is now mine! Bwahahaha!
It's a good watch. I can't believe my favourite guy and his friend went around the world in less than a year. It's incredible! And on motorbikes!


& turned on the lights; 10:32

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I have a new 2006 New Year resolution, and it's going to be prioritised as much as it can.

# Make amends with sister.

so tell me when you're going to let me in
i'm getting tired and i need somewhere to begin
this could be the end of everything
so why don't we go, somewhere only we know


& turned on the lights; 18:55

Friday, January 13, 2006

It's the early hours of my fourth day in Singapore. My final full day here. So far, it's been awesome.

On day two, Jude took me to this what we call in Malaysia, 'mamak' stall, to eat this strange dish called prata cheese & mushroom. Now, I've heard of prata bread before, but never prata bread with cheese & mushroom filling. It's strange. Sort of like a fusion of Indian and... American? Anyway, it was great. We also had this drink called Dinosaur. It's basically this cup of cold, cold Milo drink, topped with the Milo powder. It's awesome to drink. Then, there was this other type of prata called prata tissue! It's a very thin piece of prata (roti canai like dough) wrapped around in a cone shape, and it's cooked with sugar. Deeeee-licious. Now tell me, dear Malaysians (if there any reading now), are there such things at our local mamaks? I just wonder. As a Malaysian, I'm pretty damn daft.

(Right, one paragraph dedicated to my breakfast in Wednesday morning) ... So, after that, we walked around some shopping centre and decided to go on the Ducktours that take you around town - on land and sea! It was quite childish, but in the end, it proved educational to any normal tourist, like myself. After the ducktour, we hopped onto the hippotour, which took us to Little India. It's like Chinatown, only, different. It's Indiatown! Anyway, we got these ladies to do henna tattoos on both of our (Jude and I, if you didn't know) hands.

Jude and I on the ducktour.

After Little India, we walked around a bit more hoping to get a seat at this chill out bar Jude was talking about called Om Cafe. Unfortunately, it was closed at that time. So we kept walking. And walking. And walking. We had walked into and through some sot of Malaysian town - Kampung Gelam. It reminded me of town in Malaysia, only cleaner and nicer looking.

Jude's henna tattoo.

And after Kampung Gelam, we decided to catch a cab back home, but all the cabs were on changing shifts or something. I really don't see the point, but anyway, we stood there waiting for a cab for almost half an hour. It got so annoying, that we kept moving around, looking for a busy busy road with lots of cabbies. Eventually, we caught one, and returned home safely. Soon after that, Jude and I joined her parents for dinner at this very fancy looking restaurant called Lawry's Prime Cuts. Ohhhh mama. That was the best... err, steak? No... err, roast beef? No... err, prime cuts? Ok. Whatever that is. It was excellent. The whole dinner was too fancy for my standards though. I'm not used to the very expensive restaurants like such. Nevertheless, it was beautiful.

Me, the prodigy child and her drawing. Jude's was...

... different :)

Day three. We woke up later than expected by me. It rained all morning. Heavily. Singapore is drowning. We went to lunch with Jude's parents at this fancy club, which I thought had a very strict taste to me. I mean, the club didn't allow mobile phones. And everything was so proper. Hurrr. Whatever it was, the food was pretty good. After that, Jude's dad took us to Jurong, which is located North-west of the island. It's far far away. It was like Malaysia's Putrajaya. It was like a whole different place. Everyone was different. The buildings were different. Different different different! Anyway, we searched and searched for this place that had an ice-skating rink and eventually took more than half an hour to find.

We had some ice-cream in ball forms, and then took to the ice-rink. I am such a chicken. I can't skate on ice for anything. Jude kept encouraging me, or, more like nagging me, to get away from the bloody sides. Gah, I'm just not confident enough to skate on ice! I've done rollerblading and all, but ice-skating... Different, lah. After ice-skating, we watched In Her Shoes at the cinema in the complex. Wow. Great movie. I suggest anyone to watch it. It's got a great story. It's a beautiful family story.

The sheesha.

Jude took me back to Om Cafe, with a friend of hers, Clem. This time, the bar was open and we had dinner there. Dinner was good. For dessert, Jude ordered an apple-mint sheesha. It's this Indian thing that has tobacco, the skin of fruits and water. It was very light, and it was like smoking. It was such a strange experience. You breathe the air from this pipe that is connected to this tall thing, and you slowly blow the smoke out - only then can you taste the flavours of the fruits. It kind of scratches your throat if you don't breathe it in properly. Good experience, nevertheless.

Jude and I at Om Cafe. By then, the sheesha had got'n to our heads.

Clem, too, was getting a bit nutty. (hescreamslikagirl)

We reluctantly went to Clarke Quay where Jude and Clem wanted to go on the G-max (this reverse bungee thing that lifts you 60m into the sky and down... like a bungee!). I said no to Jude's whining. Yes, Jude, I do regret not doing it, but hey, I paid the price! No worries. I'll come back when I'm feeling up for it. Soon after that, Jude's friend, Zhi, or as I call her, Adidas Girl, came by to join Jude, Clem and I. We caught the boat ride, or as I call it, sampan time that took us along the Singapore river. We caught glimpses of the town, some glutton fest, a few bright bridges, the Escapade and the Merlion. It was quite spectacular. After the sampan ride, we went somewhere to have a late night meal. By then, it was already 11.30pm, and Jude's mum had called two times.

We had the Dinosaur drink (which I thought was only unique at that one prata place on the morning of Day two, but it isn't! It's everywhere!) and some prata with cheese and mushroom in it. You know, they eat the prata filled with cheese and mushroom with curry or dahl! How... strange. Anyway, Jude's mum called again, and by then, was very very very pissed off. Not even I, the innocent tourist and visitor, could calm the storm. Oh well. I hope she gets over it tomorrow. Or. Later today. Whatever. We left, said goodbye to adidas girl/Zhi and hitched a cab, Jude, Clem and I, back to Bukit Timah, which is where our both parties lived.

In the cab, I made a comment about where Clem lived. Chestnut Road. Now, what kind of bloody road name is that? CHESTNUT ROAD. I LIVE ON NO. FIVE-NOUGHT-FIVE, CHESTNUT ROAD. How weird, I thought. I didn't stop there. I then kept rambling on about the weird Singapore road names like Quality Road and Makepeace Road and ... I won't go on. And then, the driver starts talking.

He kept telling us about the road names being named after fruits and vegetables, and then the area being called Vegetable Estate. It was quite lame, so we just said "Yah, yah, yah".

Then it ended. We ran back to the house, Jude and I, got a pissy reaction from her mum and the end. I realised, that late at night, 12am onwards, Jude doesn't talk to anyone but the dudes on the phone. So I kept myself occupied by buffing my nails. It's very tiring. Later, Jude went to have a shower and then I found my inspiration to blog. So, here I am.

Anyway, I've taken up so much of your time, if you actually read this entry. If you didn't, and just skipped up to here, you should be bloody ashamed of yourself. You deserve no mention. :(

PS. I kind of miss home.

& turned on the lights; 01:58

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Noisy babies + noisy engine + water that tastes like coffee with too much sugar

That sums up my very very quick 45 minute flight to Singapore.

--Jude and I in a cab. Singapore cabs are teh kewlxorz.

I'm now here, in Jude's room and it's late and I'm tired. The moment I stepped into the car, Jude handed me an itenary of my stay here. I skimmed through it, and continued to look outside at the surroundings. Singapore is a very nice place, I thought. Everything is so much fresher looking compared to the busybusybusy dirtydirtydirty Kuala Lumpur.

I arrived at about 1 in the afternoon. We headed to have lunch at this little chicken rice stall inside a little shopping centre somewhere in town. There, I met Jude's ex-girlfriend, Sam, who I've heard about before. From there, we walked through town and looked at shops and took neoprints and laughed at little things.

I didn't leave today empty handed in items though. I bought myself a t-shirt, a jacket and a Nin-DS game, WarioWare Touched! I feel so free. I am loaded and I can shop. Singapore is full of cheap items. I can second that theory.

Make love not war, ok? (I bought this tee)

We caught a movie at Marina Square (possibly the only name I remember from all those shopping centres) after having dinner at home. I might add that The Family Stone isn't such a bad movie - it's just a bit draggy. We walked to the Ritz Carlton to use their bathrooms after the movie because Jude wasn't too keen on waiting to get back home.

Now I'm here. I'm pretty tired. I'm going to go now. I think Jude wants to useuse.

I wonder what tomorrowwww brings! (Checks itenary)
PS. Singapore is wet.

& turned on the lights; 01:02

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm hopping onto the KLIA Express in half an hour's time. It's amazing, this train. It only takes 28 minutes to get to the airport! Usually, if you drive there, it can take from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the traffic flow. And it's so easy to use!

If you're a Kuala Lumpurian on the way out of the country, do yourself a favour and take the KLIA Express (arrives at KL Sentral).


Buh-bye :D
PS. If possible, I will come online to blog using
Jude's internet *teehee.

& turned on the lights; 09:24

Monday, January 09, 2006

In exactly one month, I will turn 17-years-old. :)


Besides that little note, I'm going to Singapore tomorrow, the 10th of Jan to Saturday, the 14th. I'm staying with Jude while I'm there, which I am very very thankful for because my accomodation is taken cared of already. I'm so excited. I can't wait to go. A holiday out of town should do be good.

There are the nice photographs that make us look good...

and the ridiculous ones that crack us up ;)

I haven't started packing, so I should get to that.


& turned on the lights; 21:23

My mum pisses my sister off simply by talking her mind. My sister pisses me off when she tells my mum to shut the fuck up. My sister doesn't talk to me anymore. My mum is worried about my sister not talking to us. My sister always seems moody and stays in her room. My sister could be thinking that she is depressed. My mum is worried that she might do things she shouldn't be doing.

I wonder now, am I living in a broken family?

You know, all I want is for things to get back to normal, but I think it's too late. My sister has gone too far out of mum's boundaries and my mum has really given her the piss. Hell, I can't even trust my sister anymore because she doesn't talk or even communicate with me. Mum, in the end, didn't let us go to KK because I quit out and Riana was going alone with Ji-Shen. All I can think within this result is what would Riana have done away from mum? Haha. Run away?

My sister wouldn't have turned out like this if she didn't have such a problem with people. I can't blame her. She's had it rough. She's been through so many people and she's stuck inbetween different types. She doesn't have an identity of her own. During these holidays, all she wants to do is drink and party and go clubbing and smoke and do every fucking 'cool' thing out there.

Rahhh I feel so helpless. How could you mend broken family relationships?

PS. I wish I could blame her for my sister's change, but it's not right of someone to do that. It's immature.

& turned on the lights; 11:13

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I've been troubled by many things for the past few days. Some of which I cannot tell you, unfortunately, because it's private. However, I can tell you this:

My sister has changed. She's so heavily influenced by her peers. Just a few days ago, she asked my mum if she could get her belly-button pierced. She's only 14-years-old, and she wants her belly-button pierced. I'm probably wrong for saying 'she's only 14-years-old' because there are probably many girls of this age, out there, who have done many more things that are just as wild as belly-button piercings.

They say that the suitable age for one to get a belly-piercing is 16-years-old. In Australia, the legal age to get one is 16-years. It doesn't matter if you're intellectually older than what you really are.

My sister and my mum fought over it. My sister said things like, "Oh, why don't you trust me?!" And my mum said strong points like, "The boarding house doesn't allow such things!" It was terrible. My mum was really in tears on that day. That was the day I bought my first pair of jeans. First pair of my choice! They're LEVIs ;)

My cousin Ji-Shen and I have been talking about going to Kota Kinabalu for a few days. He was interested in climbing Mt. Kinabalu, Malaysia's highest summit. Today, I just learnt that my sister was going along. She didn't tell me. I had to ask her if she was told about KK.

I just realised, later on, that if my sister and I go to KK, that leaves my mum all alone in the unit with Lisa our maid. I felt so sad after thinking of that. I don't want to go to KK anymore. I could use some freetime without moody people walking around the house. I don't want to leave my mum alone. The thought of it makes my insides cry.

I'm going to Singapore this Tuesday, the 10th of January. Basically to visit Jude. I can't wait. I need the holiday. I need my break. I need my break from all the troubles that have been giving me the bloody shits this week, and during the past week. I need to let go and forget about some things too.

Right now, all I want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep until everything is gone.

It's the and my only realistic method that K.O.s death itself.


& turned on the lights; 21:42

Thursday, January 05, 2006

When you greet a family member or a close friend, sometimes you give them a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes, you give them a peck on both cheeks. Sometimes, if it's an intimately close friend you give them a kiss on the lips.

Sometimes, you touch their cheek with your cheek. And sometimes, when you do that, the receiver expects a peck on the cheek, but nothing happens. So you're standing there, and so is your friend, wondering when both of you will receive a kiss on the cheek.

In the end you laugh about it and let it go. It's really funny.

Catch my drift?


& turned on the lights; 13:29

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I haven't been able to sleep well for the past few nights. I've got alot on my mind, and it's driving me insane. I don't say that as a cliched phrase, but a meaningful one. I really mean it. It's driving me away from sanity.

Ah, crap this. I'm going to bed.

now they're going to bed
and my stomach is sick
and it's all in my head...
` let me go

PS. I feel like Mr. Ms. Brightside now.

& turned on the lights; 23:40

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I have decided to think about the new year this way - not only a completely new year, but just another day/week/month of our lives. Instead of counting the days and adding them up to one year, I thought, why not just let everything flow instead of grouping the days up into sections.

I'm weird this way. I think about these kind of things, like who came up with the whole 365 days in a year system? Why did he make it? Why is there so much hype at the end of every 365 days? Why must everyone celebrate? I mean, it's just like every other day.

I spent my New Years Eve morning playing a tennis tournament. Every Saturday morning, there is this group of teenagers (who are all younger than me) who come to play under the supervision of my mum's tennis coach at some tennis courts nearby. Since it was the last day of the year, the coach wanted to host a small friendly tournament. So I went.

I played three matches, two of which I had won, putting me in the position of winner of the loser's pool. My first match, where I lost, immediately entered me into the loser's pool. I received a ball holder for my efforts. In a way, I came in second place. The loser always comes second, eh.

At the end of the morning, my legs had given up on me. My muscles gave up and started to ache. For the rest of NYE, I was in constant pain. Walking hurt. Sitting hurt. Bending over hurt. Hell, even lying down hurt. I was beyond exhausted. I felt quite feverish as well, and thought I was coming down with a fever. My first fever in a long time.

Mum and I dropped Ri off at Subang and then we dashed back to get ready for dinner at Shaza's. After dins at Shaz's, we drove up to Damansara Jaya to spend our last 2005 hours at my cousins' place. We cheered into the new year with a glass of moet chandon each in our hands, followed by the clink and clanks of the glasses to mark the new year, and then hugs and kisses. A few hours later, I was falling asleep on the couch, while my youngest cousin played tai-ti with this girl in a green frilly dress and my other cousin talking to me about AISM. I pestered mum into driving back as soon as possible, which we did, maybe an hour later.

And just like every other night, I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, drank a glass of water and jumped under the covers. Finished. The hype was over.

My first 2006 day was spent sitting around at home. I moved to and from my computer and the telly. For the entire day, I felt very warm in the throat. I still do, and I still don't know why. It's as if I need more than just the average amount of suggested drinking water to cool off.

Anyway, I thought I'd write my new year's resolutions out here for not only my interest, but yours.

  • Start working in Sydney and earn some good extra moolah.
  • Contribute and be involved in the school's community and activities.
  • Learn to be more positive. Abandon the pessimistic view.
  • Cook fried rice on my own.
  • Buy a meal for a poor person on the streets.
  • Do better than I expect for every assessment task, test and exam thrown at me in Year 11.
  • Win a tennis game against someone equally matched with me in experience and skill.
  • Take photography/journalism to another level.
I'm certain I will add more on as the year progresses. These are the ones currently swimming in my head.

PS. Have you thought about your 2006 resolutions?

& turned on the lights; 20:23

about me.

raelene. rae. roro.
eighteen years.
completed her final year of school at st caths, sydney.
is a musician, photographer and aspiring designer.
loves travelling, art, music, great food, clear blue skies, writing and ice-cream.
enjoys drowning in music, strumming random chords on the guitar, playing tennis,
finger-bashing it out on a game console and a bowl of curry laksa.
despises bad traffic, girls with long and fair faces with large contact-lensed eyes, bad food, mascara goop, hard pillows and hard beds.


RAEVILLE came about some time in the year of 2001. or 2002. it's been so long that i've forgotten already.
it all started here (i doubt the link works anymore though), in a dodgy little blog page. then it moved to here. a year later, and we moved to better things, namely blogspot.

ps. raeville is best viewed on mozilla firefox. just because it's better :)


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recent entries.

Blogger to Wordpress
My relationship with VideoEzy
Uncyclopedia-ed Daniel Craig
Some things I really hate.
A trip down memory lane.
Shiny happy freakin' people.
Death at a Funeral
Rainy days


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December 2005
January 2006
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